Weave The Basket Trick Into Your Spring Cleaning Routine

Finally, one simple trick to wake up to a clean home every morning: the basket.
Spring Cleaning is in full swing! Here’s one simple trick to weave every day cleaning into your nightly routine.
I get it. You’re busy! Who has the time to keep their home neat all the time? Nearly no one. That’s why I use this simple trick to wake up to a tidy home every morning: the basket.
I keep a pretty wicker basket in an accessible spot in the living room. Every evening before I head to bed, I make the rounds of our living space and collect anything that doesn’t belong. Pair of socks on the living room floor? Unopened mail scattered on the dining table? Shoes in the entryway? Into the basket they go!As I move around collecting, I often end up in the place where at least one of the items in the basket belongs. Having the basket with me makes that “quick clean-up” before bed infinitely easier. No longer am I running in circles as I pick up one or two things at a time only to return to the same spot for the rest.Of course, choosing a basket that fits your decor makes leaving it in an easy-to-access place a welcome decorative addition.
Here are few I have my eye on:


With the basket trick, I spend a few minutes tidying up each night, and even less time looking for misplaced items in the morning. The best part: I wake up to a neat home and spend the few extra minutes I saved…in bed, of course!


Ready for more spring cleaning? Here’s a printable cleaning calendar.

Victoria Keichinger
Victoria Keichinger

Victoria Keichinger is the Senior Manager, Brand Marketing for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. When she's not nurturing a culture of storytelling at work, she finds herself most at home in Jersey City, NJ with her pre-school crush turned spouse. A true francophile, she loves to travel and will go anywhere there are ski slopes.


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