Welcome Home, Amy Van Dyken-Rouen!

Don't miss this Olympic episode of George to the Rescue.

After a tragic ATV accident that left Olympic swimmer Amy Van Dyken-Rouen paralyzed from the waist down, George Oliphant comes to the rescue to help make her home wheelchair-accessible before Amy returns home from rehab.

George tackles the house from top to bottom, from the floors to the doorways, from the master shower to the kitchen counter, from her car to her closet. He even considers the pool, obviously a very important part of Amy’s life.  Modifications are made to every inch of the home so that Amy can go about a normal day in her own home.

The big reveal of her home’s makeover happens on the Meredith Vieira Show, which Amy joins under the pretense that she is giving an interview.  The surprise brings her to tears.

George really went for the gold with this special episode. Coming from a true athlete, Amy jokes that this is “her home on steroids.” Don’t miss this olympic episode of George to the Rescue.

George to the Rescue is sponsored in part by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

Victoria Keichinger
Victoria Keichinger

Victoria Keichinger is the Senior Manager, Brand Marketing for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. When she's not nurturing a culture of storytelling at work, she finds herself most at home in Jersey City, NJ with her pre-school crush turned spouse. A true francophile, she loves to travel and will go anywhere there are ski slopes.


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